How to Manage Social Computing In Your Law Firm

This is the first of five parts of posts that offer insight into managing social computing in the law firm. There are thousands upon thousands of applications and software tools that leverage the Internet. Social tools are just one variety.

There are thousands of applications and software tools that leverage the Internet. Social tools are just one variety.

Generally, law firms have adopted tools that help them work more efficiently and be more accessible. After that, they use Internet tools that open up data channels, assist in researching, preparing, and managing cases. They use tools that deliver news and stock reports, allow them to draft, print and publish from remote locations and, near and dear to the marketer’s heart, help spread the word about services and successes on their Web sites.

Social computing, Social media, Web 2.0, whatever you call “it” is possible because of the infrastructure of the Internet and the Internet is NOT a fad. It’s not just about Twitter, facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube. What’s popular today will likely evolve and be replaced by the next best thing tomorrow. Remember Atari, Nintendo, now Wii?  Betamax, VHS, DVD, now streaming video, NetFlix on demand?

I also don’t believe social tools are just a passing, popular fad. They are quickly becoming a foundation for our business and personal lives.  Moving onto the Web platform a new paradigm is creating a new economy; one of transparency and authenticity.  These are the big buzz words for sure. Just check out the books on Amazon that reference them. I’m currently reading and recommend Tactical Transparency by Shel Holtz and John C. Havens.

Most of you know by now that you can stick your head in the sand when new tools develop. But you do that at your own risk.  Transparency and authenticity are quick becoming the new standard for law firm clients. Here’s how Dell is doing it. I predict that law firm clients will soon expect their law firms to fall in line. [Don’t be fooled. Transparency is not about revealing business secrets – it means having an authentic conversation with your clients.] But that is for another post.

For now, how do you think law firms will adapt and handle those two words? Are you thinking about it?

This is the introduction of a 5 part series.  Part 1. The CMO Checklist.  Part 2. The Checklist Continued.  Part 4. The Digital Foot Print.  Part 5.  Reputation Management. I hope you’ll stay around. Set up an RSS feed to receive the series.  Feedback along the way is great. Let me know what your doing.

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