Real lawyers don’t have to blog, but increasingly their clients do….

Lawyers with blogs that post fairly frequently often report a substantially high impact for their investment—new clients, media exposure, and even personal satisfaction. However, more often than not their clients also have blogs…and dozens of social media accounts. Do you friend, follow, subscribe, like, and engage with your clients’ social media, even if you don’t blog?

Statistically, B2B companies that blog generate 67% more leads per month, B2C companies 88%, than those who do not according to data from Hubspot. Fortune 500 companies and small businesses alike are devoting more resources—spending more dollars, hiring more personnel—to create content and maintain their presence on all social media. Your clients consider this new breed of media an integral part of their corporate digital footprint, and in many cases an essential business channel for marketing, customer service, and even product/service development.

While social media can play an important role in your business communications and legal practice, you can’t afford to be in the dark about what your clients are doing.

Here’s a brief slide deck that demonstrates why, where, and how much your clients are using social media.


Does your law firm need strategic content assistance? Outsource your social media friendly content on a contract basis to the Virtual Marketing Officer. Contact me.

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