Enchantment | The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions | Guy Kawasaki

Unique instruction in this book for serious law firm marketers, technologists, administrators, personnel directors, etc. who want to get their ideas to “come across better” and be heard (and heeded) more often. Guy Kawasaki, known for his dynamic thought leadership, delivers what I believe will be helpful for lawyers who want to move beyond mere persuasion and upgrade their communication skills to “enchantment.” Frankly speaking, the lessons in this book almost have to impact success in the boardroom, the courtroom, and the marketplace. Bottom line: this book is just stuffed with practical tips that anyone who thrives on seeing their ideas grow to fruition can employ.  (Suggestions for purchasing a copy can be found here.)


Before I get into the “enchanting” content in this book, I have to say that I’m glad I own the hardcover version and not an eReader version. (Disclosure: I was sent an early review copy by Guy’s team.) Not that I don’t love reading books on my Kindle, I do, but this one would lose too much in the conversion to the flowing format of an eReader. You see, it is full of great photos that illustrate enchanting people, and it has nice lists and tons of bulleted ideas that are laid out precisely upon each page. It’s just the kind of book that feels right paging through it, stopping here and there; then flipping back to an early chapter. Some books are just better in paper.

Okay, so with that out of the way, what’s inside that’s enchanting?

How do I do that?

Simply, the book delivers a classic message…if you are truly passionate about something, good things will happen; you will attract others, i.e., “win friends and influence people.” (-Dale Carnegie) No big revelation here. Right? We’ve all heard it before. BUT, how do you do that? Before I read this book I’d probably say, “Wing it!” Now, this book was like finding the treasure map. EUREKA!  And, that’s what makes “Enchantment” special. It tells you how to do it.

Real practical stuff.

This book is packed with really, really practical things that you can do right now. Stuff about what great “enchanters” do better than anyone else, how to overcome those who resist your great ideas, and suggestions for keeping the love alive—how to help people internalize your cause, reciprocate, fulfill their commitments to you—how to make enchantment endure.

Guy offers psychological and social proof for the mechanics of enchantment—assigning labels, using data, enchanting all the influencers, framing the competition, invoking reciprocity, and catalyzing commitment and consistency. Did you ever think about how something becomes more attractive when you can identify with members of a group? (Think Harley Davidson, Apple Computers, sports teams, etc.) It’s even more amazing at the highest-level when people will go beyond identifying to believing! At that point things begin to happen. In the book you’ll learn how when ideas are communicated using the techniques of enchantment they are more likely to breathe, live, and be believed.


Perhaps one of the most immediately useful chapters is about how to use push technology to be enchanting; i.e., email, PowerPoint, and Twitter. Assuming you’ve got the likability part in place—you know how to enchant—you can use the latest technologies to push your messages out and build an ecosystem around your cause or idea.  Oh, and don’t neglect pull technology.  Here he offers great advice and tips for bringing people to your story via websites, blogs, Facebook, Linkedin and YouTube, to name a few.

Who will benefit?

This will be a valuable book for visionaries and entrepreneurs who typically succeed or fail based on their ability to be enchanting. BUT it is also for leaders of larger organizations who want to enchant employees to impact greater success for the company. AND, for employees within those organizations who desire to make a difference yet need some guidance on how to be enchanting so that others will more readily accept their ideas.

Best Take-Away

After reading Guy’s book, I have to say I have changed my thinking (and doing) on a number of points he makes. But at the end of the day, probably the most important thing I’ve learned from the pages of this book is how POWERFUL enchantment can be. I believe it is an important skill to possess in today’s changing marketplace where anything is possible. I believe that when you finish reading “Enchantment” you’ll be convinced, and equipped too! So let me know what you think.

Pick up a copy, read it and enchant me!!!

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