Facebook Friday – It's Posterous

Two days ago when I posted about my top ten tools for organizing my online “social-life” I considered yoono about as close to finding the holy grail as possible – I was wrong. Today, I created a Posterous lifestream. I am www.virtualmarketingofficer.posterous.com.

I’d been hearing about Posterous for a month now since Steve Rubel moved his blog over to the Posterous platform. A few weeks ago I browsed the FAQ’s and I thought, wow, there’s a lot of networking power in one place, but wasn’t in the mood to learn yet another new tool since yoono was my new BFF.

However, it’s Facebook Friday at the offices of the Virtual Marketing Officer, and I thought I’d take the time to see if Posterous might improve my Facebook posting experience. So, I fired-up a Posterous account. First, it’s incredibly simple. Like 3 steps and you’re done. Second, the terms of service and privacy stuff was super easy to find. I didn’t have to dig at all. It’s like these people have been there, done that before and are truly thinking from the user perspective. I like that a lot. Third, setting up to auto-post to any or all of your social hubs is easy and versatile.

Posting on Posterous is done via email or SMS. It works like this: different email addresses at Posterous  tell them where you want to post your content. It’s supposed to flow neatly into the respective formats without lifting a finger. Sound too good to be true? Did I mention Posterous is free? For instance, if I want to post this content everywhere, to every account I’ve added to my autopost feature, I simply send it to post@posterous.com. If I only want to send it to my blog and my Twitter stream, I’d send it to  twitter+blog@posterous.com.  Just post to Facebook and it’s facebook@posterous.com.

Since it’s my first day using the service my Posterous stream doesn’t exist yet. But I suspect that it will be filling up fast with photos, videos, articles, links, audio, etc. And hopefully this post – let’s see if it works! It’s pretty remarkable and you should check it out. If you do, please add me as a stream to follow and let me know your stream name so I can follow you too.

Bottom line is that you can have a couple BFFs these days when it comes to organizing your online life. I’m anxious to see how this blog post looks on my site….it’s my first attempt to send it via Posterous. This is sooooo exciting. Let me know what you think.

Posted via email from virtualmarketingofficer’s posterous

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