LMA Quick Start Social Media Reading List

open_bookI’m presenting a session on social computing tomorrow during the Quick Start program at the Legal Marketing Association’s Annual Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. I’m really excited. I’m also very humbled by the prospect. There are a number of rock star names in the legal marketing industry casting a longer shadow than mine in this new area. I feel very privileged to have been selected to share my perspectives.

Here are just a few things that have brought me to this point where I can confidently stand in front of a group and speak with excitement about the opportunities the social web presents for us today.

  • Experience as both a marketing tactician and strategist.
  • Experience walking in the shoes of a law firm marketer through the day in and day out routine.
  • Experience working the uphill battles, trying to make bold things happen.
  • And, knowledge gained from exposure to really great thinkers, teachers, and doers between the covers of books.

Here are just some of the books I consider required reading for anyone who wants to add social computing tools to their marketing mix.

Reading List:

Tactical Transparency. Shel Holtz and John C. Havens.
Marketing to the Social Web. Larry Weber.
Cluetrain Manifesto. Rick Levine, Christopher Locke, Doc Searls, and David Weinberger.
Groundswell. Charlene Li, Josh Bernoff.
Tribes. Seth Godin.
Positioning: The Battle for your Mind. AL Ries, Jack Trout.
New Influencers: A marketer’s guide to the new social media. Paul Gillin.
New Rules of Marketing & PR. David Meerman Scott.
The Corporate Blogging Book. Debbie Weil.
Blink: The power of thinking without thinking. Malcom Gladwell.

There are tons more I want to read that I don’t even know about yet. New books on the topic come out every month. For keeping pace with this rapidly developing phenomenon,  I love the short form of blogging, but it doesn’t replace, at least in my experience, the pleasure of spending time with great minds, reading a book. Got any suggestions?

Search and follow #LMA on Twitter for lots of fun chatter from the conference. For a list of LMA Twtitterati, check out TweetUp at conference is just tip of iceberg on Duo consulting blog.

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  1. says: Andy Havens

    What a fantastic and cool coincidence. I found your blog through a link from a post on the Law Marketing Listserv… was just scrolling on down, eyeballing the various posts… and see that you’ve listed “Tactical Transparency” as the first recommended book on this post.

    The co-author of which, John Havens, being my kid brother. How neat is that?

    Thanks for the nod to his book; I, of course, think it’s great. I’ll let him know that you’ve put him up there with “Cluetrain” and “Positioning.” He’ll be thrilled.

    Keep up the good work.

    – Andy

  2. Hi Jayne,

    What an honor to be on this list! Thanks very much for the nod and I look forward to getting to know your work better.

    Best and thanks,
    John C. Havens
    Author, Tactical Transparency

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