Law Firm CMO

Lawyers on the Ledge

Lawyers on the Ledge


But as in all things related to social networks, online or offline, they will only be as good as the people who show up. A social network host can provide the best tool in the world, but if it isn’t easy to use, if it doesn’t catch on, if the community isn’t full of creators and thought leaders, but rather just spectators, it will be just another online directory or dead social network.

20 things law firms need to have in their social media guidelines.

20 things law firms need to have in their social media guidelines.


18) Do not use the firm logo without permission from the marketing department.
19) The best way to launch a new policy is to frame it with context. Educate everyone in your firm regarding your policy. Do a video presentation and require new employees to watch it.
20) Call Jayne at, she can help you make this exercise painless.

Good, no, really great things are happening.

Good, no, really great things are happening.


The contest, a four-hour event, was Web-cast in reality show genre. Their buzz online hit the top 10 trending topics on Twitter in the process. The experience exposed P&G marketing directors to digital media in a hands-on-way they may not have learned otherwise.

Land the Position You WANT

Land the Position You WANT


The panel brought perspectives from their experiences in firms sized from 50 attorneys to 3,000 attorneys. Together they’ve logged thousands and thousands of hours in-house at law firms and cover ground from JD to MBA, and from law firm administration to Global CMO.

Getting The Product Off The Shelves.


Here are a few recent scenarios of how firms are managing their inventory in 2009.

* Firm #1 is downsizing to clear the warehouses of unused inventory. They hope to absorb the initial loss of income over the next year.
* Firm #2 is reducing prices. They hope to sell more time at lower prices and thus break even.
* Firm #3 is working harder to move the product off the shelves because they know clients still need what they’re selling. And, they’re still in the business to make a profit come hell or high water.

VMO Social Computing Checklist- Part III

VMO Social Computing Checklist- Part III


awsuits involving blogs are heating up. The social computing space is a fertile ground for legal actions because blogging is rife with opinions about companies and individuals. If untrue, those statements jump the line of opinion, and land square in the realm of libel or other actionable causes.